Definition of Air conditioning

1. Noun. A system that keeps air cool and dry.

Exact synonyms: Air Conditioner
Generic synonyms: Cooling, Cooling System
Derivative terms: Air-condition, Air-condition, Air-condition, Air-condition

Definition of Air conditioning

1. Verb. (alternative spelling of air-conditioning) ¹

2. Noun. The state of temperature and humidity produced by an air conditioner. ¹

3. Noun. An air conditioner or system of air conditioners. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Air conditioning

1. The maintenance of certain aspects of the environment within a defined space to facilitate the function of that space; aspects controlled include air temperature and motion, radiant heat level, moisture, and concentration of pollutants such as dust, microorganisms, and gases. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Air Conditioning

air cadet
air cadets
air cargo
air carrier
air carriers
air castle
air cell
air cells
air cells of auditory tube
air chamber
air cleaner
air cleaners
air compressor
air conditioner
air conditioners
air conditioning
air conduction
air contrast barium enema
air contrast enema
air corridor
air cover
air crew
air current
air cushion
air cushion vehicle
air cushion vehicles
air cushions
air defense
air display
air division

Literary usage of Air conditioning

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Transactions by American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1912)
"1341 AIR-CONDITIONING APPARATUS PRINCIPLES GOVERNING ITS APPLICATION AND OPERATION By Willis H. Carrier, Buffalo, NY Associate Member of the Society and ..."

2. Mechanical Equipment of Buildings: A Reference Book for Engineers and Architects by Louis Allen Harding, Arthur Cutts Willard (1916)
"... air conditioning, AIR WASHING, HUMIDIFYING, COOLING, AND DRYING HUMIDITY Definition. Humidity is the water vapor (steam or moisture) mixed with the air. ..."

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